A poem
Waking Up
My first poem on Medium

cosmic, iridescent, flesh made of stars
focus, so unique it makes me dance
not through my body, that’s too obvious
movement is coming from somewhere else
not here-
not in front of your eyes...
but behind mine
bursts of light float, travel through my mouth
neck, chest hand and back to throat again
I see the portraiture of my inner pose
the sight is lost just as quickly
I try again — nearly daily
I aim for daily
I fail — I start again
the starting again is wonderful
like breathing
— why did I arrive so late to this joy?
this simple joy that is as hard as practise.
as hard as good habits — commitment
focus — consistence — counting calories
drinking water at regular intervals…
but mornings are mine — mornings are mine again
effortlessly, I glide to my phone
before getting up — I waking up
I try to — I try to — I try to
By Lennie Varvarides
Re-edited in May 2022