Force, Flow, Fail
A poem about trying to force it

I made the stupid mistake of thinking
that I was somehow leading
This merry little incident,
called a poem.
What an amateur I am;
Flow can’t be…
forced or conjured or prompted.
A better poet would know that.
Poems are not products …of capitalism.
We can’t have one, just because we want one.
Poems are not plumbs to be picked.
Or pretty little packages to be displayed.
A better poet would know that too.
They would know
not to want or wait or whine
about the poem they could not write.
A real poet
knows a poem can’t be owned,
Therefore, I would like to apologies
for trying so desperately to
get your attention this morning.
It was foolish.
I am sorry.
I know now you are not mine.
Ⓒ Lennie Varvarides, Dec 2020